I was sitting in our living room the other day when I saw something scurry out of the corner of my eye. I was really hoping it was just my imagination, but sure enough, a couple seconds later a little runt of a mouse ran back across our floor.
I was somewhat relieved that at least it wasn’t a giant spider, because we had one of those a couple months ago, and I would really be ok with not seeing one of those again. But I really can’t stand mice. I now inspect every piece of food from our pantry to make sure it hasn’t been previously gnawed.
The mouse, on the other hand, has been eating everything I leave for him on the trap with no hesitation. He started off with a little bit of ricotta, followed that up with a little bit of bread and strawberry jam, and then got his protein with some crunchy peanut butter. He really appreciates having a balanced diet.
Enjoy it while you can, mouse. Your days are numbered.