A Video, A Radio, A Review (from Revue)

Good Saturday afternoon my furry little friends,

I’m soaking up the almost warm(ish) rays of Grand Rapids, getting ready to drive over to Lansing to play what is certain to be an enjoyable house show this evening.

Yesterday morning, the kind folks over at WYCE (which for those who aren’t familiar, is the independent community radio station here in GR) had me in the studio to play a couple of songs. They posted a video of one of them. Ta-Da:

I clearly need a haircut. I look like a high school drop-out who plays video games in a dark room all day.

Also, Revue magazine/webzine wrote up a very flattering review of “The Streets Will Turn to Streams.” It’s probably nicer than it deserves to be. You can read that here:


It’s been wonderful to see a lot of familiar faces the last couple days, and I’m looking forward to seeing some more over the next week. You are all wonderful people.